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November 3 at 4.40 pm - Research seminar by Gilles Saint-Paul (TSE) "Credit Institutions in an Evolving Economy"

Venue: Shabolovka st. 26, Room 3211

Fifth International Moscow Finance Conference

October 6 at 4.40 pm - Research seminar by Steven Ongena (University of Zurich) "Changes in the cost of bank equity and the supply of bank credit" joint with Célérier Claire and Thomas Kick

Venue: Shabolovka st. 26, Room 3211

September 15 at 4.40 pm - Research seminar by Roni Michaely (Cornell University) "Are US Industries Becoming Less Competitive?"

Venue: Shabolovka st. 26, Room 3211

June 30 at 5.30 pm - Research seminar by Taufique Samdani (IESEG) "Investor Protection and Institutional Investors’ Incentive for Information Production" joint with Sagi Akron

Venue: Shabolovka st. 26, Room 3211

June 23 at 5.00 pm - Research seminar by José Scheinkman (Columbia University/Princeton University) "Savings Gluts and Financial Fragility" joint with Patrick Bolton and Tano Santos

Venue: Shabolovka st. 26, Room 3211

June 9 at 4.40 pm - Research seminar by Yakov Amihud (New York University) "The Pricing of the Illiquidity Factor's Systematic Risk"

Venue: Shabolovka st. 26, Room 3211

June 2 at 4.40 pm - Research seminar by Kyeong Hun Lee (Tulane University) "Human Capital Relatedness and Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions" joint with David Mauer and Emma Xu

Venue: Shabolovka st. 26, Room 3211

May 26 at 4.40 pm - Research seminar by Mark Trede (University of Munster) "The Case for Herding is Stronger than You Think" joint with Martin T. Bohl and Nicole Branger

Venue: Shabolovka st. 26, Room 3211

Honorary lecture by Professor Hans-Werner Sinn