The 13th LFE-ICEF International Moscow Finance Conference
On November 22, 2024, the International Laboratory of Financial Economics (LFE, ICEF HSE) hosted the 13th International Moscow Finance Conference, bringing together researchers and experts from various countries to discuss current issues in financial economics. In his welcoming speech, Vladimir Sokolov, Head of the Laboratory, emphasised the significance of financial market research for the global economy.

2024 Annual Workshop in Finance of the Laboratory of Financial Economics
On April 23 the International Laboratory of Financial Economics (LFE) held the 2024 Annual Workshop in Finance.

ICEF-CInSt Conference is a Venue for International Research Networking
On 24-25 November 2023 the International Laboratory of Financial Economics (HSE ICEF LFE) and the Centre for Institutional Studies (HSE CInSt) hosted the 12th ICEF-CInSt International Moscow Finance Conference.
”Our Conference Aims to Strengthen the HSE’s Reputation as a Global Finance Research Centre”
The International Moscow Finance Conference will open its doors for the twelfth time on 24 and 25 November 2023. We talked with conference organizers Vladimir Sokolov of HSE ICEF International Laboratory of Financial Economics and Maria Semenova of HSE Centre for Institutional Studies and asked about the keynote presentations, speakers, and how this Conference facilitates cooperation and co-authorships.

HSE University Hosted ICEF-CInSt 11th International Moscow Finance Conference
14 October 2022, ICEF Laboratory of Financial Economics (LFE) and Centre for Institutional Studies (CInSt) held the 11th International Moscow Finance Conference. The event featured six presentations by researchers based in China, Australia and USA. Acting as discussants were professors of HSE and schools in Romania.

11 th ICEF-CInSt International Moscow Finance Conference
October 14th, 2022 Moscow, HSE University (offline and online)

"The Beauty of Academia Is That It’s an Incredibly Democratic Institution"
The 10th Anniversary International Moscow Finance Conference organized by the ICEF Laboratory of Financial Economics, was held online in October 2021. At the end of the conference, Vladimir Sokolov, Head of the Laboratory and Associate Professor at ICEF, talked with Christian Juilliard, Research coordinator of the Laboratory and professor at LSE. In an interview Christian shared his impressions of LSE-ICEF cooperation, about digital fatigue and the interest in cryptocurrencies as an area of research.

'Financial Economics Conference Could Now Go Global'
October 29-30 will witness the 10th Jubilee International Moscow Finance Conference take place online, organized by the HSE ICEF and hosted by its Laboratory of Financial Economics (LFE). Vladimir Sokolov, Head of LFE, gave a brief presentation of the conference participants and keynote speakers and how their findings can affect the global economy.

2021 Summer Workshop Series in Finance
The International Laboratory of Financial Economics has resumed the Summer Workshop series in Finance.

Financial Stability in the Aftermath of COVID: Figures, facts, prospects
Udara Peiris, Associate Professor of Finance at ICEF, hosted a webinar that dealt with how the toll of the COVID crisis on human lives has caused new financial risks and impacted the real economy. His analysis of the responses of governments, Central Banks, and financial regulators can shed more light on ways to get economies back on track.