The First International Moscow Finance Conference. November 18-19, 2011
Conference program
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Friday, November 18 (Room G-313) | ||
09.50 | Opening ceremony | |
10.00 |
Public Lecture Macroeconomics with Financial Frictions: Endogenous Risk, Instability and Nonlinearities Presenter: Yuliy Sannikov, Princeton University
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11.20 | Coffee Break | |
11.50 |
Session 1 “Asset Pricing 1” Sources of Risk in Currency Returns Presenter: Mikhail Chernov, London School of Economics (co-authors: J. Graveline and I. Zviadadze) Discussant: Vladimir Sokolov, ICEF and LFE, Higher School of Economics.
Sentiment During Recessions Presenter: Diego Garcia, Kenan Flagler Business School, University of North Carolina Discussant: Patrick Kelly, New Economic School
Equilibrium Portfolios and Equity Premium with Wealth Heterogeneity and Uncertainty Aversion Presenter: Dmitry Makarov, New Economic School (co-author A. Schornick) Discussant: Stanimir Morfov, ICEF and LFE, Higher School of Economics
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13.50 | Lunch | |
14.50 |
Session 2 “Risk Management” Optimal Capital Allocation: VaR, C-VaR, Spectral Measures and Beyond in Russian Markets Presenter: Dean Fantazzini, Moscow School of Economics at Moscow State University and Higher School of Economics
An efficient method for market risk management under multivariate extreme value theory approach Presenter: Miloš Božović, Center for Investments and Finance, Belgrade and University of Novi Sad Discussant: Dean Fantazzini, Moscow School of Economics at Moscow State University and Higher School of Economics
An Infinite-Dimensional Interest Rates Term Structure Model: Arbitrage-Free, Realistic and Practical Presenter: Victor Lapshin, Laboratory of Financial Engineering and Risk Management, Higher School of Economics
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16.50 | Coffee Break and walk to Cultural Center (follow the indications) | |
17.30 |
Public Lecture Presenter: Arnoud Boot, University of Amsterdam | |
19.00 | Buffet | |
Saturday, November 19 (Room G-313) | ||
10.00 |
Session 3 “Corporate Finance” Executive Pay and Outside Options
Investment and Financing Decisions of an Intrinsically Motivated Entrepreneur Presenter: Carsten Sprenger ICEF and LFE, Higher School of Economics (co-author: Branko Urošević) Discussant: Arnoud Boot, University of Amsterdam
Takeovers under Asymmetric Information: Block Trades and Tender Offers in Equilibrium Presenter: Sergey Stepanov, New Economic School
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12.00 | Coffee Break | |
12.30 |
Session 4 “Banking and Networks" Social structure and propagation of depositors panic Presenter: Roman Chuhay, ICEF, Dept. of Economics and LFE, Higher School of Economics (co-author: Huber Janos Kiss) Discussant: Dimitrios Tsomocos, Said School of Business.
Interbank Network, Liquidity Provision and Key Players Presenter: Christian Julliard, London School of Economics (co-authors: Kathy Yuan and Edward Dembee)
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13.50 |
Lunch | |
14.40 |
Session 5 “Asset Pricing 2” Continuous time option pricing with scheduled jumps in the underlying asset Presenter: Sergey Gelman, ICEF and LFE, Higher School of Economics (co-author: Dmitry Storcheus) Discussant: Mikhail Chernov, London School of Economics
The Impact of maturity Financing Choices made by Primary Bond Dealers on Repo market Rates Presenter: Vladimir Sokolov, ICEF and LFE, Higher School of Economics Discussant: Diego Garcia, Kenan Flagler Business School, University of North Carolina
European bond ETFs - tracking errors and sovereign debt crisis Presenter: Branko Urošević, National Bank of Serbia and Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade (co-authors Mikica Drenovac and Ranko Jelic) Discussant: Sergey Gelman, ICEF and LFE, Higher School of Economics
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16.40 | Coffee Break | |
17.00 |
Session 6 “Liquidity and Market Micro Structure” Robustness of equilibrium in Kyle model of informed speculation Presenter: Alexey Boulatov, Higher School of Economics (co-author: Dan Bernhardt) Discussant: Dmitry Makarov, New Economic School
Liquidity effects on asset prices, financial stability and economic resilience Presenter: Dimitrios Tsomocos, Said School of Business, Oxford University (co-author Juan Francisco Martinez) Discussant: Maxim Nikitin, ICEF, Higher School of Economics
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