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Eighth International Moscow Finance Conference

On October 25-26, 2019, ICEF and the International Laboratory in Financial Economics (LFE) held the Eighth International Moscow Finance Conference at the Higher School of Economics. First-class international scholars in the field and Moscow-based researchers presented their latest research and provided extensive comments on each other’s work.

Among our invited speakers were such major scholars as Mikhail Chernov (UCLA), Sudheer Chava (Georgia Tech), Pierre Collin-Dufresne (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), Alexander Michaelides (Imperial College Business School), Philippe Mueller (Warwick Business School), Boris Nikolov (HEC Lausanne).

Read more about the conference

Conference Booklet

The organizing committee of the conference consists of:

Christian Julliard

LFE Research Coordinator

Alexei Boulatov

LFE Research Advisor


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